SimplicityPro™ design...

Pangaea is committed to designing standards-friendly web sites that deliver high-quality, high-fidelity information.

Why web standards?

Using standard XHTML and CSS speeds application development and simplifies site maintenance. Web standards allow a site to be split into "layers," separating content from presentation, creating opportunities for designers, writers, and programmers to work on different parts of a project in parallel.

Web standards open up access options for you. XHTML and CSS sites can be rendered in more browsers including non-traditional devices like mobile phones, PDAs, voice interfaces, and screen readers. Standards-compliant sites solve problems with mobile access and Section 508 accessibility.

Web standards result in smaller page sizes which load faster over slow Internet connections. A faster, livelier site translates to a better overall experience for you.

The W3C Markup Validation Service is a free service that checks Web documents in formats like HTML and XHTML for conformance to W3C Recommendations and other standards.

A passion for data quality

Pangaea always emphasizes the priority of data quality in software and web design. A quick explanation of what's often wrong with other development efforts will help you understand why SimplicityPro™ is THE superior solution:

Software developers often focus on the "bells and whistles" of an application's exterior rather than on what's required to gather and nurture and accurately report critical business information. When that happens, the application's presentation "layer" (the part you see and interact with) is designed and developed first.

Only then does attention turn to how to make the application actually work! Almost as an afterthought, the underlying data models, database designs, and programming logic (the "mechanics" of how business information is collected and managed) are forced to somehow fit the presentation.

Such an approach severely limits an application's ability to grow and adapt and evolve as business realities and government regulations change. Sometimes, despite great expense and effort, such applications are so flawed they are obsolete before they can ever be used.

Forcing an application's internal "mechanics" to fit its external interface design, rather than the other way around, results in lots of redundant data (and data entry) with compromised integrity and longevity ("shelf life"). What's the impact to YOUR organization when business decisions and customer service are based on compromised information?

SimplicityPro™ starts with a rock-solid understanding of the data that flows through sending and receiving organizations. That in-depth analysis and understanding is reflected in the SimplicityPro™ DATA MODEL, a technology-independent diagram that defines the myriad relationships between all the entities that exist in your business world (people, places, and various "things" like schools and businesses and governments).

The back-end SimplicityPro™ SQL database is designed and built to save and dispense information according to the SimplicityPro™ data model. Only then are front-end features developed to interact with you and your customers in such a way that they collect, nurture, and reflect accurate, complete real-time and historical data. You can be absolutely confident in the high fidelity of information YOU manage with SimplicityPro™!

Because data quality is our first priority, we can continuously adapt SimplicityPro™ to change existing features and introduce new ones as different business realities emerge. When government regulations change or new ways of interacting with customers and business partners are visualized, SimplicityPro™ will be there.

Next:  About Pangaea...

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