SimplicityPro™ & PDF documents...
Most SimplicityPro™ content is presented as ordinary web pages (actually, we think they're extraordinary!). Sometimes, if a document is very large, or intended for printing (such as student applications), we'll also provide the document as a PDF file.
This icon is used throughout SimplicityPro™ to identify PDF documents.
What is a PDF file?
First of all, it's NOT a web page. A web page is just a collection of text and images, and frequently you'll find things get a bit mangled if you try and print out large or complex web pages.
A PDF file is an electronic document that also stores formatting information like page breaks and margins. PDF files are designed to look the same wherever they're printed. This means that instead of SimplicityPro™ having to send out paper forms and reports in the mail, you can download PDF documents from our website and when you print them, your print-out will look exactly like the paper documents you normally use.
What is Adobe Reader? 
To view and print PDF files, you need to install a program called Adobe Reader on your computer. If you can already read PDF documents, it's probably already installed. Adobe Reader is a free download, which you can get from Adobe's website. Once you've installed it on your computer, you should be able to view and print PDF files as easily as viewing a normal Web page.
If you're having problems installing the viewer or viewing PDF files, please see Adobe's support information here.
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